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Visitor Information

Looking after your loved ones

And, we’ll look after you as well.

Hospital Visiting Hours

Visitors are permitted at Bethesda during visiting hours. We do ask that visitors respect physical distancing in patient rooms. Visitors must be asymptomatic and are encouraged to wear a mask to help protect the vulnerable.

Riviera Surgical Ward – 3:00pm to 8:00pm
Palliative Care Unit – 10:00am to 8:00pm
Day Procedure Unit – No visitors

Exemptions will be permitted on a case-by-case basis and require approval managed through Infection Prevention and the wards.

A few things to remember

Consider our patients.

Although our patients love visitors, for some, a visit can be tiring or overwhelming. As such, we ask for no more than two visitors per patient at one time and to try and limit your visit to one hour. In the case of very ill patients, please check with nursing staff before entering the room. Before touching any of our patients, please complete adequate hand hygiene.

Patient choice & control.

We will always put our patients wishes first. If the visiting hours are too broad, patients are welcome to make their own, stricter visiting rules by consulting with their nurse.

Getting here.

There is ample parking for patients and visitors provided in metered parking bays at the hospital entrance. Additional parking may be available in the Victoria Avenue cul-de-sac at the back of the Hospital, where you may park for up to two hours.

Parking bays at the hospital entrance are metered from 8am – 6pm, Monday – Friday at $4.00 per hour or $25.00 for the day. The following information may also be valuable to assist you in planning your journey to Bethesda.

Wheelchair access is via the main entrance to the Hospital and there is a pickup and set down parking bay available for optimal access.

Maarli Café.

With stunning views across Freshwater Bay, Maarli Café is the perfect setting to catch up with friends or take a time out from your day to enjoy a coffee and have a bite to eat.

Opening Hours:
8:00am to 2:00pm – Monday to Friday.
Note: the Café is closed on weekends and public holidays and opening times are subject to change.

Pastoral care.

Our wonderful Chaplain and pastoral care staff provide words of comfort, guidance, and friendship to support you as needed. All patients, friends, and families are welcome to access this free service during hospitalisation; religious affiliation is not a pre-requisite. Conversations with anyone from our pastoral care team are respectful, private, and confidential. The Chapel is located near the Café on the ground floor. Patients and visitors are welcome at any time.

“Very kind and helpful.

My Night Nurse, Annette, was so wonderful and kind, just like a mum – I will always remember her! The view from my room was also beautiful. Thank you to all who looked after me – a lovely Hospital with lovely staff.”

– Kathie F

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