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Patient Information

Start your Bethesda journey

We’re here to help you plan and prepare for your Bethesda stay.


Preadmission form.

Your Doctor will provide you with a pamphlet containing information about our easy online preadmission form. Click the link below to create your account and complete the preadmission information online. If you need assistance, please contact our Admissions Team on (08) 9340 6300. If you have no means of completing your admission online, you may download a copy here.

In compliance with legislation, from 1 January 2025, Bethesda will upload patient discharge information to My Health Record. If you do not wish for this to occur, please tick the box stating you do not want your health information to be uploaded to your My Health Record when you complete the consent section of your preadmission.

Online Admissions

Preadmission telephone interview.

Most prospective In-patients (overnight stay) at the Hospital will be contacted by the Preadmission Nurse one-to-two days before admission. This helps ensure you are clear about your procedure, gives you a chance to ask any questions, and allows us to develop an understanding of your clinical history.

Payments – uninsured patients.

If you are uninsured, undergoing cosmetic surgery, or have overseas health insurance, you will receive an estimate of your hospital fees before admission. You are required to pay these estimated charges at the time of admission. You can pay fees in person between 9am – 3pm, Monday – Friday, or by credit card over the phone.
If you have any questions about payments, please contact our Accounts Team on 9340 6318 or

Payment Plans.

Total Lifestyle Credit (TLC) is a third party funding platform that can provide loans for medical fees from $2,000 to $50,000. This can include specialist doctor, anaesthetist, hospital, after-care and pharmaceutical fees. TLC will discuss your eligibility with you and interest and limits apply. Please click here to visit the website for further information.

Nb. There is no financial relationship between Bethesda and TLC. Bethesda are not offering financial advice and encourage you to seek independent financial advice before taking out a loan.

Payments – privately insured patients.

If you have private health insurance, verify (with your health fund) the level of your cover and anticipated fees. When you have completed your online admission form, we will confirm your level of cover with your health fund. If you have any excess or co-payments, you will be required to pay these on admission.

If you have any questions about payments, please contact our Accounts Team on 9340 6318 or


If you are an In-Patient and require someone to stay with you overnight, they may only do so by request prior to your admission. It is at the discretion of the Nurse Manager whether a boarder will be permitted to stay on the ward. If approved, a boarder fee will be charged.

During your stay

Before you arrive.

Prior to admission, follow any instructions given by your Doctor. For example, showering with chlorhexidine soap, removing nail polish, and wearing clean clothes. If you receive pre-operative instructions (such as fasting or taking medication) from your Doctor, follow these carefully.

What to bring.

If you are a Day Patient, you are not required to bring personal sleeping attire. If you are an In-Patient, you will require personal toiletries and sleeping attire. Please limit cash and personal belongings to essentials as we cannot accept responsibility for loss of valuables. All patients will need to bring:

  • Health fund membership details, Medicare card, and pension card (if applicable).
  • Letters or referrals/forms from your Doctors.
  • Relevant x-rays.
  • Any current medication.
  • Crutches (if requested by your Doctor).
  • Glasses/contact lenses with cases (if applicable) and/or hearing aid/s (if applicable).

Getting here.

There is ample parking for patients and visitors provided in metered parking bays at the hospital entrance. Additional parking may be available in the Victoria Avenue cul-de-sac at the back of the Hospital, where you may park for up to two hours.

Parking bays at the hospital entrance are metered from 8am – 6pm, Monday – Friday at $4.00 per hour or $25.00 for the day. The following information may also be valuable to assist you in planning your journey to Bethesda.

On arrival.

On arrival, please report to the Main Reception. Our staff will finalise your admission documentation and escort you to the right area. Nursing staff will check your medical history, record vital signs, and ask about any dietary requirements. You may be visited by your anaesthetist prior to your operation.

Due to limited facilities and adequate social distancing in the Day Procedure Unit, we request you have no one accompany you — children must be accompanied by an adult. Day Surgery patients will be in hospital up to six hours, depending on the procedure.

During your stay – WiFi and TV information.

WiFi is available during your hospital stay. Whilst we do not currently have the ability to cast your personal streaming services from your phone to your in-room televisions, we encourage you to bring your own device, connect to our WiFi and stream from any of your personal streaming services (Netflix, Stan, Disney, Foxtel etc). The WiFi details will be given to you upon admission. Your in-room televisions are equipped with 25 free-to-air stations and numerous radio stations.

Pastoral care.

Our wonderful Chaplain and pastoral care staff provide words of comfort, guidance, and friendship to support you as needed. All patients, friends, and families are welcome to access this free service during their Hospital stay; religious affiliation is not a pre-requisite. Conversations with anyone from our pastoral care team are respectful, private, and confidential. The Chapel is located near the Café on ground floor. Patients and visitors are welcome at any time.

Maarli Café.

With stunning views across Freshwater Bay, Maarli Café is the perfect setting to catch up with friends or take a time out from your day to enjoy a coffee and have a bite to eat.

Opening Hours:
8:00am to 2:00pm – Monday to Friday.
Note: the Café is closed on weekends and public holidays and opening times are subject to change.

Personal Information Privacy Policy Partnering with Consumers - A Guide

Going home


On discharge, you will receive instructions specific to your procedure. Depending on your procedure, you may receive a post-operative discharge information sheet with clear instructions for self-care — you may also receive a follow up phone call for extra support. Before you leave, you’re invited to ask your nurse any questions regarding your treatment and care.

Ensure you have someone to drive you home and remain with you during your immediate recovery.


Follow all care instructions carefully, and call the Hospital if you have any confusion or concerns. Due to the after effects of the anaesthetic, 24 hours is required for a full recovery. During this time, you should not drive or operate machinery, drink alcohol, make important decisions, sign legal documents, travel unaccompanied, engage in strenuous activity or take sedatives (unless prescribed).

Depending on the type of surgery and anaesthetic you have had, you may experience pain, a sore throat, or find it difficult to concentrate. If you experience pain or discomfort, take the medication recommended or prescribed. If a sore throat develops in the first few hours after your anaesthetic, try sips of fluid first, gradually increasing to light food. An inability to concentrate is normal — many people feel tired and unable to concentrate for a day or two after receiving anaesthetic.

If any of your concerns persist after you are discharged from hospital, you should contact your Doctor. If your Doctor is not available, contact our nurses anytime on 9340 6300.

Patient rights & responsibilities

The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care has put together the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights Second Edition. This outlines your rights as a patient. You have the right to:


  • Healthcare services and treatment that meets your needs


  • Receive safe and high quality care that meets national standards
  • Be cared for in an environment that is safe and makes you feel safe


  • Be treated as an individual, and with dignity and respect
  • Have your culture, identity, beliefs and choices recognised and respected


  • Ask questions and be involved in open and honest communication
  • Make decisions with your healthcare provider, to the extent that you choose and are able to
  • Include the people that you want in planning and decision making


  • Clear information about your condition, the possible benefits and risks of different tests and treatments, so you can give your informed consent
  • Receive information about services, waiting times and costs
  • Be given assistance, when you need it, to help you to understand and use health information
  • Access your health information
  • Be told if something has gone wrong during your health care, how it happened, how it may affect you and what is being done to make care safe


  • Have your personal privacy respected
  • Have information about you and your health kept secure and confidential

Give Feedback

  • Provide feedback or make a complaint without it affecting the way that you are treated
  • Have your concerns addressed in a transparent and timely way
  • Share your experience and participate to improve the quality of care and health services
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